Contributed by Akilesh Ramasamy in association with A.J. Tamhankar
Chloroquine resistance is wide spread in certain pockets of India. Artemisinin is the most effective anti-malarial drug to date against the deadly Plasmodium falciparum malarial parasite. The spread of Artemisinin resistant malaria is rampant in South East Asian countries. British researchers have found these strains of malarial parasite at the borders of Myanmar as well. It may not be long before India falls prey to these resistant strains.
On a side note, the emphasis should also be on prevention and promotion of public health and hygiene practices. Old adage stands true that “Prevention is better than cure!” We should all make efforts to avoid the occurrence of the day, when “Prevention will be the only cure.” for many diseases!
The only way to survive malaria would then be to ‘not get malaria!’
Multi drug resistant – tuberculosis is already increasing in occurrence in India. Such resistance in deadly disease causing microbes like malaria and TB, would be very difficult to manage especially in a country like India where both of these diseases are endemic.
Multi drug resistant – tuberculosis is already increasing in occurrence in India. Such resistance in deadly disease causing microbes like malaria and TB, would be very difficult to manage especially in a country like India where both of these diseases are endemic.
On a side note, the emphasis should also be on prevention and promotion of public health and hygiene practices. Old adage stands true that “Prevention is better than cure!” We should all make efforts to avoid the occurrence of the day, when “Prevention will be the only cure.” for many diseases!